Essential Laptop Features for 2024: What to Look for in the Latest Models

The laptop market is flooded with countless models, but only a select few are truly top-notch. When shopping for a new laptop, it’s important to consider several key features. In a sponsored video by Intel on our YouTube channel, PCWorld’s Senior Editor Mark Hachman outlines the must-have features for any new laptop purchase.

One of the most important factors to consider is the processor. It’s crucial to get the most recent processor within your budget and category, as it’s not possible to upgrade the CPU after purchase. Extended battery life should also be a priority, even if it means sacrificing a super thin and light design. Additionally, opting for USB-C charging can greatly enhance convenience when searching for a plug.

Another essential feature to look for is Thunderbolt 4, which offers lightning-fast data transfer speeds and carries standardized signals for various peripherals, allowing you to turn your laptop into a desktop with a USB-C dock. The keyboard is another crucial element to consider, as it should be comfortable for your typing style.

To determine if a laptop has all of these features, it’s important to read reviews on PCWorld and subscribe to the PCWorld YouTube channel. By doing so, you can ensure that you’re making an informed decision when purchasing a new laptop.