Windows 10 bombards users with full-screen, multi-page ads promoting Windows 11

Microsoft is once again increasing the pressure on Windows 10 users to upgrade to Windows 11, showing some Windows 10 users a full-screen advertisement for Windows 11 when they install an optional update from January 2024 on their Windows 10 PCs. The advert covers the entire screen and requires users to click through four slides to stay on Windows 10. Microsoft is trying to entice users with the promise that they can return to Windows 10 within ten days after upgrading to Windows 11, retaining all existing files during the upgrade. According to Statcounter, 66.45 percent of all Windows computers analyzed by the company had Windows 10 installed, and only 27.82 percent were running Windows 11. Microsoft will provide updates for Windows 10 for the last time on October 14, 2025, after which it will offer paid updates for Windows 10 as part of the “Extended Security Updates” until 2028.