Intel launched the Core i9-14900KS, a “special edition” desktop chip with the fastest clock speed of any current PC processor at 6.2GHz, priced at $689. However, AMD’s Ryzen 7000X-series chips outperform it in certain games.
Last year, Intel released the Core i9-13900KS, a 6.0GHz chip surpassing the 5.8GHz Core i9-13900K. The current Core i9-14900K tops out at 6.0GHz under Intel’s Thermal Velocity Boost. The 14th-gen chip has 24 cores, 32 threads, and 36MB of Intel Smart Cache, similar to its predecessor.
Intel unveiled performance benchmarks, showing improvements over its 13th-gen chip and outperforming its predecessor in games like Starfield and Metro: Exodus. However, AMD’s Ryzen chips sometimes offer better performance.
Intel’s Core i9-14900KS is compared to AMD’s Ryzen 9 7950X3D, highlighting the differences in cache size and power consumption. Intel also introduced Application Optimization, a feature that enhances thread scheduling on performance cores.
Despite the improvements, Intel’s Core i9-14900KS falls short of beating AMD’s Ryzen 7800X3D in Read Dead Redemption 2. The new processor is compatible with Z790 and Z690 motherboards, supporting up to 192GB of DDR5-5600/DDR4-3200 memory.
AMD’s Ryzen 8000-series X3D chips for high-end gaming have not been launched yet. It remains to be seen if they will be announced before the Computex show in June.