Fortifying Your Home Network: Clever Strategies for Security

Even home users need to be aware of network security. Gone are the days where internal networks were considered safe. Now, security experts recommend using encrypted connections as much as possible for both internal and external networks. While it may seem complicated, with basic knowledge and the right settings in your router, you can go a long way in securing your network.

The security of your network starts with the right router settings. It is important to ensure that only you, your family members, and visitors have access to it, while everyone else is excluded. This can be achieved by changing the passwords for both the router’s admin panel and the Wi-Fi network. Additionally, turning off unnecessary features such as UPnP and WPS, switching off remote login, and choosing a better DNS than your ISP’s are essential steps in securing your network.

It is also important to keep your router and gadgets up to date and to activate a firewall in both the router and each computer. For an advanced level of security, you can consider using Pi-hole, a DNS server with filtering capabilities. Moreover, using guest networks if your router supports them can provide an extra layer of security for your network.

In conclusion, network security is not just a concern for IT professionals; it is something that every home user needs to be aware of and take measures to secure their network against unauthorized access and potential threats.