Exploring Windows 11’s Automated Super Resolution Feature Powered by AI

The article is about the Microsoft’s next AI-powered enhancement within a test build of Windows 11. The new feature called Automatic Super Resolution has been hidden away in Windows 11 Build 26052 and currently appears in both the Canary and Dev Channels of Microsoft’s Windows 11 Insider channels. Automatic Super Resolution is as hidden as hidden can be and some special tools are required to dive deep into the Windows code to turn on new features. Once enabled, Automatic Super Resolution, appears within the Windows 11 Settings menu, right above the AutoHDR setting and includes a placeholder link to tell you “More about Auto SR.” The article also mentions that Automatic Super Resolution also allows you to run the feature without being tied to a specific resolution. However, the article concludes that more information is needed from Microsoft to understand the purpose of Auto SR and where it’s heading.