Experience PC live images: Game on, troubleshoot, or experiment with Linux – without any risk

Even with Windows installed, you can easily start your PC with other systems to fix issues, play games, try new operating systems, back up data, and more without installation. The live systems boot from CD, DVD, or USB stick and the Microsoft operating system on the hard drive remains untouched. All the mentioned live systems and tools are available for free download as ISO images with a boot option. Instead of burning data onto a blank disc, it is recommended to use the Rufus tool to create a bootable USB stick. To boot from the stick, press the button to select the boot medium when booting up, or change the boot sequence of the drives in your PC’s BIOS/UEFI. With Ventoy, you can quickly create a multi-bootable USB stick, requiring only one drive to choose between different systems. Regardless of which live systems you use, a data and system backup is always a good idea. Aomei Backupper allows for quick and easy back up of data and partitions, and the software can also be booted from an emergency medium by burning a DVD or creating a bootable USB stick in the program. Android X86 provides the Android smartphone operating system for the PC desktop, while Aros One brings back the Amiga feeling of yesteryear with the Amiga OS system. The Linux version Batocera.linux focuses on classic computer and console games, while Hiren’s Boot-CD PE collection provides helpful tools for data recovery and system repair. Kali Linux is popular for security analyses, and Ubuntu Linux is known for its simple user guidance and easy installation.